With over 1,200 posts this year already and 20 million views to date on his work, marketing and social media guru, Josh Fechter, gives us these five rules to follow when creating new social media content:
1. Long-form posts
- If you don’t use spacing, then no one will read it. Keep a maximum of two sentences in a paragraph.
- Focus on driving ONE learning lesson home, or you’ll lose everyone.
2. Short-form posts
- Make them funny. This takes a lot of practice and expertise with social media.
- If you can’t make them funny, then use confirmation bias. Tell a point your audience already agrees with except make it more tangible to them.
3. Engagement posts
- This is where you ask people to comment on your post. Make sure to keep it short with only ONE question.
- Next, provide a low-barrier to entry to create content. For example, “What do you think of this picture in one word?”
4. Appreciation posts
- This is where you thank people or experiences for the impact they’ve had on your life.
- Make it believable. Use before-and-after pictures, screenshots of thank yous, and other forms of credibility. This can triple your engagement.
5. Ask posts
- Keep them specific; otherwise, you’ll have an influx of non-relevant messages to respond to.
Thanks Josh – great advice!
© Josh Fechter 2017
Original source: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6300018748896219136
Josh Fechter started writing when he was twenty-one-years-old. After his first five hundred blog posts, he began to make a decent living from writing and began the transition into a part-time writer.
With eight failed businesses under his belt, Josh struggled early in his career but with sheer determination and grit, he set to reading hundreds of books about marketing, psychology, and startups. Having gained the right knowledge, his career started to soar.
Josh terms himself as the ‘original badass marketer’ and his down to earth style resonates loudly with his 26,000 regular followers. He sees blog writing as an extension of his everyday life where he can connect with thousands of ambitious marketers, founders, and entrepreneurs.
Co-founder of BAMF, has had over 20 million views on his writing and holds the prestigious accolade of Top Quora Writer and Growth Hacker 2017.
He also serves as the president of San Diego Digital Marketing Experts and mentors young college entrepreneurs interested in marketing.